Andrew's Tips:
Piobaireachd Society Gold Medalists (Canada)
By Andrew T. Lenz, Jr., Santa Cruz, California, ©2008-2020
The Gold Medal won by Jim McGillivray in Canada in 1975.
Thank you to Jim for providing this photo. |
In 1972, Major Archie M. Cairns approached the Piobaireachd Society to authorize a Gold Medal contest in Canada. He was initially denied. Undeterred, Archie Cairns proposed a unique solution, that is, if the Piobaireachd Society Senior Judge found the top performance lacking, the judge could withhold the medal. This revised proposal of an "earned medal" was championed by Captain John A. MacLellan (then Honourary Secretary of the Music Committee of the Piobaireachd Society) and approved by the Piobaireachd Society. The City of Ottawa Highland Games in 1973 hosted the first "Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal (Canada)". To date, the medal has never been withheld.
The venues at which this Medal contest has been held:
1973-1974 - Ottawa, Ontario, The City of Ottawa Highland Games
1975-1984 - Ottawa, Ontario, "Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal (Canada)" (Separate event)
1985-1994 - Cambridge, Ontario, "Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal (Canada)" (Separate event)
1995-Present - Maxville, Ontario, The Glengarry Highland Games
The following is a list of those who have earned the Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal (Canada) as well as a list of those who have earned the Bar to the Gold Medal.
(Thanks to Archie Cairns for providing these lists through 2008.)
Year - Winner
1973 - Ed Neigh, Guleph, Ontario
1974 - John Goodenow
1975 - James McGillivray
1976 - James McGillivray
No contest was held in 1977.
1978 - William Livingstone
1979 - William Livingstone
1980 - Jack Taylor
1981 - William Livingstone
1982 - Colin MacLellan
1983 - David Martin
1984 - James Stack
1985 - John MacKenzie
1986 - Scott MacAulay
1987 - Michael Grey
1988 - Matthew Turnbull
1989 - Amy Garson
1990 - Angus MacDonald
1991 - John Cairns
1992 - Brad Davidson
1993 - Greg Wilson
No contest was held in 1994.
1995 - Ian MacDonald
1996 - Bruce Gandy
1997 - Greg Abbot
1998 - Fraser Clark
1999 - Iain Macey
2000 - Andrew Berthoff
2001 - Michael J. Rodgers
2002 - James MacHattie
2003 - Andrew Hayes
2004 - Roddy MacLean
2005 - Graham Mulholland
2006 - Glenn Brown
2007 - Sean McKeown
2008 - Scott McIntosh
2009 - Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - Lament for the Viscount of Dundee (Judge: Colin MacLellan)
2010 - Doug MacRae, London, Ontario - The Battle of the Pass of Crieff (Judge: William Livingstone)
2011 - Andrew Rogers, Fredericton, New Brunswick – MacKenzie of Applecross’ Salute (Judge: Reay Mackay)
2012 - Ed Bush, Prescott, Ontario - Lament for the Viscount of Dundee (Judge: Jim McGillivray)
2013 - Jimmy Bell, New Jersey - The End of the Great Bridge (Judge: Reay Mackay)
2014 - Jacob Dicker, Kingston, Ontario - The Bells of Perth (Judge: Colin MacLellan)
2015 - Nick Hudson, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Lament for the Children (Judge: Bob Worrall)
2016 - Glenn Walpole, Toronto, Ontario - In Praise of Morag (Judge: Bill Livingstone)
2017 - Andrea Boyd, Ottawa - Lord Lovat’s Lament (Judge: Colin MacLellan)
2018 - Derek Midgley, New Jersey, USA - Clan MacNab’s Salute (Judge: Jim McGillivray)
2019 - Matt MacIsaac, Stayner, Ontario - The Old Men of the Shells (Judges: Colin MacLellan, Jim Stack, Bob Worrall)
Prior to 1982, any competitor who earned the Gold Medal more than once received a Clasp for each instance instead of another Gold Medal. In 1982, the the Piobaireachd Society sanctioned Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal Committee to establish a second contest which is restricted to those who hold the Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal, and is known as the Gold Medalist Competition. The first prize awarded in the Gold Medallist Competition is a Gold Bar to the Medal. Anyone who earns the Gold Medal is eligible, on the same day, to complete in the Gold Medalist Competition.
Year - Winner
1982 - William Livingstone
1983 - William Livingstone
1984 - William Livingstone
1985 - William Livingstone
1986 - William Livingstone
1987 - Colin MacLellan
1988 - James McGillivray
1989 - James McGillivray
1990 - William Livingstone
1991 - William Livingstone
1992 - Colin MacLellan
1993 - Greg Wilson
No contest was held in 1994.
1995 - Ed Neigh
1996 - William Livingstone
1997 - William Livingstone
1998 - William Livingstone
1999 - William Livingstone
2000 - William Livingstone
2001 - William Livingstone
2002 - Jack Lee
2003 - Iain Macey
2004 - Bruce Gandy
2005 - John Cairns
2006 - Andrew Hayes
2007 - Andrew Hayes
2008 - Andrew Hayes
2009 - Bruce Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - The Battle of Waternish (Judge: Colin MacLellan)
2010 - Bruce Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - The Big Spree (Judge: William Livingstone)
2011 - Ian K. MacDonald, Whitby, Ontario – Craigellachie (Judge: Reay Mackay)
2012 - Ed Bush, Prescott, Ontario - The Earl of Seaforth's Salute (Judge: Jim McGillivray)
2013 - Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - All the Old Men Paid Rent But Rory (Judge: Reay Mackay)
2014 - Sean McKeown, Toronto, Ontario - The Battle of Aldearn #2 (Judge: Colin MacLellan)
2015 - Andrew Hayes, Ottawa, Ontario - Earl of Ross' March (Judge: Bob Worral)
2016 - Andrew Hayes, Ottawa, Ontario - Isabel Mackay (Judge: Bill Livingstone)
2017 - Sean McKeown, Toronto, Ontario - Lord Lovat’s Lament (Judge: Colin MacLellan)
2018 - Derek Midgley, New Jersey, USA - The MacLeans’ March (Judge: Jim McGillivray)
2019 - Jack Lee, Surrey, British Columbia - The Daughter’s Lament (Judge: Colin MacLellan, Jim McGillivray, Bob Worrall)
If you have comments or suggestions about this page, please contact me.
This page last updated Sunday, April 26, 2020.
Page first created in October 6, 2008.